This is all you need to know about the UK NEQAS Clinical Chemistry Division Schemes (Birmingham, Edinburgh, Glasgow and Guildford) and how they already meet and surpass what would be required for a clinical laboratory to adhere to as part of their own ISO 15189:2022 services.

Before you make your decisions for next year, there will be an on-demand, downloadable and editable Scheme attributes Excel file for you to use as a checklist and to reassure yourself that you are selecting Schemes that fully meet your needs.

snapshot of the education portal showing the scheme-specific material; for e.g. focus on TOX and TDM

Extensive material to support participants in every aspect of report intrepretation as well as interesting case studies and recorded Webinars that often address specific participant queries.

collage material design style educational tools

Emphasis on education with Back to Basics, Uncut Videos to get everyone up to speed with what we do.

Collage of two analyte pages from a birmingham quality report

Commentaries to accompany particular Distributions of a scheme.