Newsletters and Scientific Journals
Newsletters and Scientific Journals
Behind the scenes of EQA – characteristics, capabilities, benefits and assets of external quality assessment (EQA)
This is a five-part series of articles describing principles, practices and benefits of External Quality Assessment (EQA) of the clinical laboratory. Part I describes the historical, legal, and ethical background of EQA and the properties of individual programs. Part II deals with crucial properties of EQA cycles. Part III is focused on the characteristics of EQA samples. Part IV summarizes the benefits for participant laboratories, and Part V addresses the broad benefits of EQA for stakeholders other than participants.
All parts are publicly available at CCLM and have been written jointly by a number of EQA providers, including Birmingham Quality (UK NEQAS)
Variation in liver function testing and the effect of pyridoxal-5-phosphate on ALT, AST and FIB-4 results
Access available at Variation in liver function testing and the effect of pyridoxal-5-phosphate on ALT, AST and FIB-4 results - Charlotte Evans, Finlay MacKenzie, Rachel Marrington, 2024 (sagepub.com)
UK Safety Alert regarding measurement of kidney function: standardising kidney measurements across the UK
Access available at https://www.magonlinelibrary.com/doi/epub/10.12968/jokc.2024.9.3.120
Understanding the limitations of your assay using EQA data with serum creatinine as an example
Full access available at the limitations of your assay using EQA data with serum creatinine as an example (degruyter.com)
Comparisons of real versus synthetic proficiency testing items
Full access available at https://rdcu.be/dCbEo
Standardising the biochemical confirmation of adult male hypogonadism; a joint position statement by the Society for Endocrinology and Association of Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine
Artificially raised creatinine concentrations due to analytical interference for samples contaminated with total parenteral nutrition fluid
National recommendations to standardise acute kidney injury detection and alerting
Variation of eGFR reporting and CKD equations used in the United Kingdom
Access available at Variation of eGFR reporting and CKD equations used in the United Kingdom – Rachel Marrington, Finlay MacKenzie, 2023 (sagepub.com)