Scheme Information Sheets

Birmingham Quality Specimen Exchange Scheme

We already have had our Cholinesterase Specimen Exchange Scheme running for some time, but we are now opening this up for a much wider range of analytes across a range of matrices.

This is a true community collective product. You have to contribute your own Specimens to become part of the service but all the data is presented in our familiar house-style with occasional added commentaries for that extra value added component.

Scheme Particulars Indicative Details
Accreditation body UKAS
ISO/IEC Accreditation status ISO/IEC 17043:2023
UKAS Accredited Proficiency Testing Provider No 7860
Objective of Scheme The Birmingham Quality Specimen exchange programmes were established for those analytes that do not have a EQA scheme and to help Laboratories who want a more organised approach to their local specimen exchange.

To be a participant in the Birmingham Quality specimen exchange programmes you must be willing to regularly contribute clinical material for the scheme in which you wish to join. The current analytes in these programmes include Cholinesterase, Hydrozychloroquine, Fentanyl, Oxycodone, Promethazine, Diphenhydramine and Cyclizine.

Please contact Birmingham Quality if you would like to enquire about any of these analytes or to discuss a new specimen exhange
Pre-, Analytical, Post- status Analytical
Number of distributions per year (nominal) 4
Specimens per distribution 3
Number of Specimens per annum 12
Frequency of distribution Bimonthly
Scoring system No scoring
Material distributed Donated material for Cholinesterase and Whole Blood Drug, Serum and Urine DRUG pools prepared by Heartlands (Alex Lawson)
Programme Director(s) / Organiser(s) Finlay MacKenzie
Criteria for participation None
Nominal sample volume (mL) 0.5mL or 1.5mL for Urine Pools
Sample presentation TACs All analytes of the same material in the same tube
Data in Chemistry on-line Dashboard Yes
Analyte Approx Range Default Units Target Value B Score Limit (%) C Score Limit (%)
"Cholinesterase" Activity ~ U/L MLTM 10.0 15.0
Antihypersensitive screen ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Chlorpheniramine 0.1 – 0.5 mg/L ~ ~ ~
Cyclizine 0.1 – 0.5 mg/L XALTM ~ ~
Diphenhydramine 0.1 – 0.5 mg/L XALTM ~ ~
Fentanyl 0.1 – 1.0 µg/L ~ ~ ~
Hydroxychloroquine 0.1 – 1.0 mg/L MLTM ~ ~
Oxycodone 0.05 – 0.5 mg/L XALTM ~ ~
Pethidine 0.1 – 1.0 mg/L ~ ~ ~
Phenotype ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Promethazine 0.1 – 0.5 mg/L ~ ~ ~
Propranolol 0.1 – 0.5 µg/L ~ ~ ~
Serum Dexamethasone [Do not use] 1 – 50 nmol/L XALTM ~ ~
Serum Prednisolone [Do not use] 40 – 2480 nmol/L ~ ~ ~
Abbreviation Expansion
ALTM All Laboratory Trimmed Mean
GLTM Group Laboratory Trimmed Mean – which is the Method Principle Mean
MLTM Method Laboratory Trimmed Mean – usually a manufacturer system / analyser mean
XALTM An external value that may be from a Reference Method System
OGLTM A Method Principle Mean used as the target for all laboratories
OMLTM A specific Method Mean used as a target for all laboratories
MED Median

Please use the sign up form to register your interest in this scheme (quoting your UK NEQAS Laboratory ID where available). We would encourage you to provide us with details of which analytes you measure and the analyser and ‘kit’ (reagent and calibrator) you are using. This will help us tailor the scheme to your needs.

Last Updated: