Scheme Information Sheets

UK NEQAS for Newborn Screening

Scheme Particulars Indicative Details
Accreditation body UKAS
ISO/IEC Accreditation status ISO/IEC 17043:2010
UKAS Accredited Proficiency Testing Provider No 7860
Objective of Scheme Provides EQA coverage for the biochemistry analytes that form the basis of the UK Newborn Screning Programme at concentrations likely to be encountered for both normal and abnormal levels. This dedicated Scheme accomodates ratios and the pathways used by Screening Laboratories.

Laboratories in the British Isles receive an extra report for British Isles data only
Pre-, Analytical, Post- status Analytical
Number of distributions per year (nominal) 11
Specimens per distribution 3
Number of Specimens per annum 33
Frequency of distribution Monthly
Scoring system ABC
Material distributed Blood Spots
Programme Director(s) / Organiser(s) Finlay MacKenzie
Criteria for participation All
Nominal sample volume (mL) 0.035 per blood spot
Sample presentation TACs All analytes in the same dried blood spot for each specimen
Data in Chemistry on-line Dashboard Yes
Analyte Approx Range Default Units Target Value B Score Limit (%) C Score Limit (%)
C10 0 – 6 µmol/L WB ALTM 25.0 30.0
C5 0 – 8 µmol/L WB ALTM 25.0 30.0
C5DC 0 – 2 µmol/L WB ALTM 25.0 30.0
C8/C10 ratio 0.1 – 30 ~ ALTM 25.0 30.0
CF interpretation ~ N or P ~ ~ ~
CHT interpretation ~ N, B or P ~ ~ ~
Final C8 0 – 6 µmol/L WB ALTM 25.0 30.0
Final IRT 10 – 200 ng/mL [µg/L] WB ALTM 25.0 30.0
Final Phe 20 – 2000 µmol/L WB ALTM 25.0 30.0
Final TSH 0 – 250 mU/L WB ALTM 25.0 30.0
Initial C8 0 – 6 µmol/L WB ALTM 25.0 30.0
Initial C8 interpretation ~ N or F ~ ~ ~
Initial IRT 10 – 200 ng/mL [µg/L] WB ALTM 25.0 30.0
Initial IRT interpretation ~ N or F ~ ~ ~
Initial Phe 20 – 2000 µmol/L WB ALTM 25.0 30.0
Initial Phe interpretation ~ N or F ~ ~ ~
Initial TSH 0 – 250 mU/L WB ALTM 25.0 30.0
Initial TSH interpretation ~ N or F ~ ~ ~
Leu 50 – 1200 µmol/L WB ALTM 25.0 30.0
MCADD interpretation ~ N or P ~ ~ ~
Met 5 – 250 µmol/L WB ALTM 25.0 30.0
PKU interpretation ~ N, P or O ~ ~ ~
Tyr 30 – 2000 µmol/L WB ALTM 25.0 30.0
Abbreviation Expansion
ALTM All Laboratory Trimmed Mean
GLTM Group Laboratory Trimmed Mean – which is the Method Principle Mean
MLTM Method Laboratory Trimmed Mean – usually a manufacturer system / analyser mean
XALTM An external value that may be from a Reference Method System
OGLTM A Method Principle Mean used as the target for all laboratories
OMLTM A specific Method Mean used as a target for all laboratories
MED Median

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