Scheme Information Sheets

UK NEQAS for Immunosuppressants

Scheme Particulars Indicative Details
Accreditation body UKAS
ISO/IEC Accreditation status ISO/IEC 17043:2010
UKAS Accredited Proficiency Testing Provider No 7860
Objective of Scheme Provides EQA coverage and analytical assessment for the Therapeutic drug monitoring of Whole Blood Immunosuppressants: Ciclosporin, Tacrolimus, Sirolimus, Everolimis and Serum Mycophenolate.

The Scheme distributes a number of manipulated and endogenous specimens covering a wide concentration range for all analytes. Seperate Specimens are provided for each Immunosuppressant (except for Ciclosporin and Tacrolimus which share the same Specimen)
Pre-, Analytical, Post- status Analytical
Number of distributions per year (nominal) 11
Specimens per distribution 3 (Separate specimens for each analyte, except Ciclosporin and Tacrolimus)
Number of Specimens per annum 33
Frequency of distribution Monthly
Scoring system ABC
Material distributed Whole blood haemolysate (except MCP) or genuine clinical material for all analytes with or without exogenous added analyte.
Base material for MCP is human serum
Programme Director(s) / Organiser(s) Martin Roch
Criteria for participation All, but overseas by courier
Nominal sample volume (mL) 0.4 - 0.8
Sample presentation TACs Ciclosporin and Tacrolimus share a tube, Sirolimus, Everolimus and Mycophenolate (serum) are separate tubes
Data in Chemistry on-line Dashboard Yes
Analyte Approx Range Default Units Target Value B Score Limit (%) C Score Limit (%)
Ciclosporin 0 – 2000 µg/L ALTM 15.0 15.0
Everolimus 0 – 30 µg/L ALTM 20.0 20.0
Mycophenolate 0 – 15 mg/L XALTM 20.0 20.0
Sirolimus 0 – 30 µg/L ALTM 20.0 20.0
Tacrolimus 0 – 30 µg/L ALTM 10.0 15.0
Abbreviation Expansion
ALTM All Laboratory Trimmed Mean
GLTM Group Laboratory Trimmed Mean – which is the Method Principle Mean
MLTM Method Laboratory Trimmed Mean – usually a manufacturer system / analyser mean
XALTM An external value that may be from a Reference Method System
OGLTM A Method Principle Mean used as the target for all laboratories
OMLTM A specific Method Mean used as a target for all laboratories
MED Median

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