Scheme Information Sheets

UK NEQAS for Acute and Chronic Kidney Disease

The UK NEQAS for Acute and Chronic Kidney Disease Scheme includes CKD, AKI and we are currently piloting KFRE on a quarterly basis (KFRE is not yet accredited to ISO/IEC 17043). You can participate in either, or both, the AKI and CKD elements of the Scheme.

Due to the nature of the AKI element of the Scheme which looks at historical data, there will be, by necessity, restricted time points where you can join. New participants to this Scheme will be able to join:

  • Up to 1st February 2025 and will receive specimens from Distribution 217
  • Up to 1st May 2025 and will receive specimens from Distribution 220
  • Up to 1st August 2025 and will receive specimens from Distribution 223

If you are interested in participating in KFRE please contact Birmingham Quality.

Scheme Particulars Indicative Details
Accreditation body UKAS
ISO/IEC Accreditation status ISO/IEC 17043:2023
UKAS Accredited Proficiency Testing Provider No 7860
Objective of Scheme There are a number of elements to this Scheme (1) Creatinine for CKD (eGFR), (2) Creatinine for AKI, (3) Cystatin C and (4) KFRE pilot (KFRE is not accredited to ISO/IEC 17043:2023). The overall objective of all elements is to provide EQA for monitoring of renal assays and associated pathways.

The Scheme provides EQA specimens targeted at specific Creatinine concentrations, with no other manipulation present. This allows wider investigation of Creatinine assays and how creatinine impacts eGFR equations and AKI pathways.

This Scheme will test your eGFR equation and AKI algorithm in your LIMS. We would recommend that you have one registration per Creatinine assay as this will allow you to assess how any variation in Creatinine affects eGFR and AKI across your service
Pre-, Analytical, Post- status Analytical/Post
Number of distributions per year (nominal) 11
Specimens per distribution 3 (Separate specimens for Creatinine for eGFR, Creatinine for AKI and Cystatin C)
Number of Specimens per annum 33
Frequency of distribution Monthly
Scoring system ABC
Material distributed Pooled or single donations of liquid human serum with or without exogenous added analyte
Programme Director(s) / Organiser(s) Finlay MacKenzie
Criteria for participation All, but overseas by courier
Nominal sample volume (mL) 0.5 (0.25 mL Cystatin C)
Sample presentation TACs Separate tubes for CKD (eGFR), AKI and Cystatin C
Data in Chemistry on-line Dashboard Yes
Analyte Approx Range Default Units Target Value B Score Limit (%) C Score Limit (%)
AKI stage ~ AKI stage 1,2,3 and all other flags ~ ~ ~
Cystatin C 0 – 6 mg/L ALTM 12.5 10.0
eGFR 2009 CKD-EPI SCr 10 – >90 mL/min/1.73m2 XALTM 10.0 15.0
eGFR CKD-EPI Cys 10 – >90 mL/min/1.73m2 XALTM 12.5 15.0
eGFR MDRD 10 – >90 mL/min/1.73m2 XALTM 10.0 15.0
expected eGFR 2009 CKD-EPI SCr 10 – >90 mL/min/1.73m2 XALTM ~ ~
expected eGFR CKD-EPI Cys 10 – >90 mL/min/1.73m2 XALTM ~ ~
expected eGFR MDRD 10 – >90 mL/min/1.73m2 XALTM 10.0 10.0
Serum creatinine - AKI 25 – 500 µmol/L OGLTM 6.0 10.0
Serum creatinine - CKD 25 – 500 µmol/L OGLTM 6.0 10.0
Abbreviation Expansion
ALTM All Laboratory Trimmed Mean
GLTM Group Laboratory Trimmed Mean – which is the Method Principle Mean
MLTM Method Laboratory Trimmed Mean – usually a manufacturer system / analyser mean
XALTM An external value that may be from a Reference Method System
OGLTM A Method Principle Mean used as the target for all laboratories
OMLTM A specific Method Mean used as a target for all laboratories
MED Median

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